Angular 2 how to load 3rd party vendor node module

2019-02-28 15:43发布


Loading a single node module in Angular 2 an angular-cli bootstraped project is described within the wiki pretty well. Just being curious, how do I nicely load a more complex node module within a project bootstrapped with angular-cli?

E.g. angular2-apollo relies on several sub-dependencies like apollo-client, graphql, lodash, ...

I added the node module to angular-cli-build.js

var Angular2App = require('angular-cli/lib/broccoli/angular2-app');

module.exports = function(defaults) {
  return new Angular2App(defaults, {
    vendorNpmFiles: [

And registered the node module ins system-config.js with

const barrels: string[] = [
  // ...
  // Thirdparty barrels.

  // App specific barrels.
  // ...

// ...

// Apply the CLI SystemJS configuration.
  map: {
    '@angular': 'vendor/@angular',
    'rxjs': 'vendor/rxjs',

    'main': 'main.js',
  packages: cliSystemConfigPackages

However this is only loading angular2-apollo. The sub-dependencies of angular2-apollo are not getting loaded. How do I load subdependencies with system.js within angular-cli bootstraped project?


So, you are facing a really annoying problem with System.js and there is an open issue about that on the Angular CLI here:

It basically means you have to specify all the dependencies in the system.config.ts file and load them all in the angular-cli-build.js file.... horrible I know...

Maybe in the future that will happen:

But, until the Angular CLI will become better, here is a starter app that includes Angular 2.0 and angular2-apollo with all it's dependencies (and even with a mock GraphQL server..) -

You can check out the system.config.ts and the angular-cli-build.js in there to see how to include dependencies on angular2-apollo, apollo-client, lodash (and all the wanted dependencies of it), redux and many many more (too many....)


I think you are doing wrong in system.config.ts. User package configuration should be in the upper section of this file.

const map: any = {
  'angular2-apollo': 'vendor/angular2-apollo/build'
/** User packages configuration. */
const packages: any = {
  'angular2-apollo': { main: 'main.js', defaultExtension: 'js' },


See if it helps you ?