When you call
sorted(<#source: C#>, <#isOrderedBefore: (C.Generator.Element, C.Generator.Element) -> Bool##(C.Generator.Element, C.Generator.Element) -> Bool#>)
you can access the two source elements for comparison via $0
and $1
. But how can I determine the index from where they were taken from the source?
You could pass into sorted
not a collection of elements, but the indices of the elements:
let a = ["hello","i","must","be","going"]
let idxs = sorted(indices(a)) { a[$0] < a[$1] }
// produces [3, 4, 0, 1, 2]
Or, if you don't like capturing a
and wanted the elements themselves passed into the closure, you could pass in a sequence of pairs of the index and the element, like so:
let pairs = sorted(Zip2(indices(a),a)) {
$0.1 < $1.1
Note the result would be an array of (index,element)
pairs: [(3, be), (4, going), (0, hello), (1, i), (2, must)]
. If you wanted to turn that back into just the elements, you can do map(pairs) { $0.1 }
Also, if you take the just-indices route and want to turn that back into elements later, you can do it with PermutationGenerator
let values = PermutationGenerator(elements: a, indices: idxs)
println(" ".join(values)) // prints "be going hello i must"