Is it possible to select element with specific content?
for example in #footer
i have multiple so i can't use #footer > a {}
can i select only that <a>
if #footer has <a herf="#header">Top of Page</a>
, but not all <a>
Is there any cross-browser way to select like this?
If I understand you correctly, your selector would be something like this
This will select one specific link in your footer that has "yourlink" in the href attribute
Is this what you want?
In CSS 2.1 or greater, you can use the Attribute selectors. Most of the popular browsers have already supported this feature, but I.E. 6.0 does not support.
CSS2.1 does support selectors such as [att=”val”], in your case [href="#header"], I don't know how many browsers support those yet, though.
But can't you just mark the desired A's with a dedicated class?