I currently have a CSV file that I parse and am trying to insert the data into the android database. The problem I am having is that it is taking way too long to insert all of the data. It's a good amount of data but I feel like it shouldn't take 20min or so to complete.
Basically, I create my database, then begin the parsing. While parsing through each individual CSV row, I grab the required data and insert it into the database. In total there are around 40000 rows.
Is there any way I can speed up this process? I have tried batch inserts but it never really helped (unless I did it wrong).
Code down below.
DatabaseHelper (i have two insert commands based on the amount of data in each csv row):
// add zipcode
public void add9Zipcode(String zip, String city, String state, String lat,
String longi, String decom) {
// get db and content values
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
// add the values
values.put(KEY_ZIP, zip);
values.put(KEY_STATE, state);
values.put(KEY_CITY, city);
values.put(KEY_LAT, lat);
values.put(KEY_LONG, longi);
values.put(KEY_DECOM, decom);
// execute the statement
db.insert(TABLE_NAME, null, values);
} finally {
public void add12Zipcode(String zip, String city, String state, String lat,
String longi, String decom, String tax, String pop, String wages) {
// get db and content values
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
// add the values
values.put(KEY_ZIP, zip);
values.put(KEY_STATE, state);
values.put(KEY_CITY, city);
values.put(KEY_LAT, lat);
values.put(KEY_LONG, longi);
values.put(KEY_DECOM, decom);
values.put(KEY_TAX, tax);
values.put(KEY_POP, pop);
values.put(KEY_WAGES, wages);
// execute the statement
db.insert(TABLE_NAME, null, values);
} finally{
Parse File:
public void parse(ArrayList<String> theArray, DatabaseHandler db) {
String[] data = null;
// while loop to get split the data into new lines
// for loop to split each string in the array list of zipcodes
for (int x = 0; x < theArray.size(); x++) {
if(x == 10000 || x == 20000 || x == 30000 || x == 40000){
Log.d(TAG, "x is 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k");
// split string first into an array
data = theArray.get(x).split(",");
// separate based on the size of the array: 9 or 12
if (data.length == 9) {
db.add9Zipcode(data[0], data[2], data[3], data[5], data[6],
} else if (data.length == 12) {
db.add12Zipcode(data[0], data[2], data[3], data[5], data[6],
data[8], data[9], data[10], data[11]);
* theZip.zip = data[0]; theZip.city = data[2]; theZip.state =
* data[3]; theZip.lat = data[5]; theZip.longi = data[6];
* theZip.decom = data[8]; theZip. = data[9]; theZip.population
* = data[10]; theZip.wages = data[11];