I used Youtube api for android to develop an app. Even though i create app and it works fine. Still i was not able to Find out what this api really do
1) When i run it on device android 2.2 for first time . It force me to download new updtaes for Official YouTube app from Google play store . After that it works fine and didn't ask for further updation or download of YouTube app . So is YouTube api uses Youtube app for palying video By going through the api code i found out something
public static Intent createVideoIntent(Activity paramActivity,
String paramString1, String paramString2, int paramInt, boolean paramBoolean1, boolean paramBoolean2)
return a(newIntent("com.google.android.youtube.api.StandalonePlayerActivity.START").putExtra
("video_id", paramString2), paramActivity, paramString1, paramInt, paramBoolean1, paramBoolean2);
When i look inside YouTube app code i find a activity class
named StandalonePlayerActivity
. But the video is playing inside the UI container designed by me using com.google.android.youtube.player.YouTubePlayerView
which is a part of Youtube api . So what is api doing with the above activity class(StandalonePlayerActivity)
, what is its role?
2)It didn't work on Android 2.1 ,why is it so ?
Please somebody explain this?