I'm trying to get the output of a adb command using the following code:
pathCmd = './adb shell pm path ' + packageName
pathData = subprocess.Popen(pathCmd,stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
result = pathData.stdout.read()
print result
Any idea why doesn't this command work?
This is the error I see:
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
I can get the output as os.system but it fails for a subprocess
import subprocess
def adbshell(command, serial=None, adbpath='adb'):
args = [adbpath]
if serial is not None:
args.extend(['-s', serial])
args.extend(['shell', command])
return subprocess.check_output(args)
def pmpath(pname, serial=None, adbpath='adb'):
return adbshell('pm path {}'.format(pname), serial=serial, adbpath=adbpath)
You should use check_output
, below is my code which works successfully.
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
def __getout(*args):
with TemporaryFile() as t:
out = check_output(args, stderr=t)
return 0, out
except CalledProcessError as e:
return e.returncode, t.read()
# cmd is string, split with blank
def getout(cmd):
cmd = str(cmd)
args = cmd.split(' ')
return __getout(*args)
def bytes2str(bytes):
return str(bytes, encoding='utf-8')
def isAdbConnected():
cmd = 'adb devices'
(code, out) = getout(cmd)
if code != 0:
print('something is error')
return False
outstr = bytes2str(out)
if outstr == 'List of devices attached\n\n':
print('no devices')
return False
print('have devices')
return True
Call isAdbConnected()
to check whether device is connected. Hope to help you.