I am fairly new to C# and was working on a a way to implement a dynamic GUI wich uses the serial communication. I originally come from C, so the concept of function pointer is familiar.
Basicly I want to invoke a answerFunction() function when the serial command has been processed. In Theory: I have a Class lbl_txtBox_Pair which is dynamicly created on runtime. I have a Class comObject which communicates with the serial Port. I have a third class comPacket which holds all information regarding one serial command.
- in an Object of Class lbl_txtBox_Pair I instanciate a Packet and tell it which function should be called when the serial command is finished.
- I give the packet Object to the comObject Instance.
- after beeing processed the comObject wants to signal the original sender of the packet by calling the delegate which is stored in the Packet Object.
For some reason I can't get it to work. It tells me that the Attribute of Packet is not callable. Am I doing something teribly wrong?
Here is the Code: first the code in Class "lbl_txtBox_Pair". I create the comPacket here and give it to the comObject.
public delegate void answerHandler( comPacket packet);
public void txb_value_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Return)
answerHandler answerMethod = new answerHandler(this.processAnswer);
comPacket question = new comPacket(this.command, answerMethod, 1);
The constructor of comPacket. Here the delegate gets stored to be called later.
public Delegate answerFunction;
public comPacket(string cmd, Delegate func, int prio)
this.cmd = cmd;
answerFunction = func;
this.prio = prio;
In the comObject the Packets get processed. When finished I want to call the function stored in the Packet. The comObject runs in a different Thread by the way.
if (this.isEndtocken(inputline))
listen = false;
And here it is were it breaks. packet.answerFunction(packet); wont execute and says it cant be called as Method.
Can anybody see where it goes wrong? I think it seems like the delegate looses the information that it is a delegate or something. ;) Or do I have to completly restructure the code to use other types of callback / Event Methods?