I'm trying to implement a mechanism to send textual data (JSON for instance) in from page to page, using javascript at the same machine.
I found some code and wrapped it but it only works at the same page.
At the moment I don't want to use a WwebRTC framework, only adapter.js.
//Must include adapter.js before
var WebRTCManager = (function () {
'use strict';
function WebRTCManagerFn() {
console.log('WebRTCManagerFn ctor reached');
this._events = {};
this._localConnection = null
this._remoteConnection = null;
this._sendChannel = null;
this._receiveChannel = null;
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype.addEventListener = function (name, handler) {
if (this._events.hasOwnProperty(name))
this._events[name] = [handler];
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype._fireEvent = function (name, event) {
if (!this._events.hasOwnProperty(name))
if (!event)
event = {};
var listeners = this._events[name], l = listeners.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
listeners[i].call(null, event);
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype.createConnection = function () {
var servers = null;
var pcConstraint = null;
var dataConstraint = null;
console.log('Using SCTP based data channels');
// SCTP is supported from Chrome 31 and is supported in FF.
// No need to pass DTLS constraint as it is on by default in Chrome 31.
// For SCTP, reliable and ordered is true by default.
// Add localConnection to global scope to make it visible
// from the browser console.
window.localConnection = this._localConnection =
new RTCPeerConnection(servers, pcConstraint);
console.log('Created local peer connection object localConnection');
this._sendChannel = this._localConnection.createDataChannel('sendDataChannel',
console.log('Created send data channel');
this._localConnection.onicecandidate = this._localIceCallback.bind(this);
this._sendChannel.onopen = this._onSendChannelStateChange.bind(this);
this._sendChannel.onclose = this._onSendChannelStateChange.bind(this);
// Add remoteConnection to global scope to make it visible
// from the browser console.
window.remoteConnection = this._remoteConnection =
new RTCPeerConnection(servers, pcConstraint);
console.log('Created remote peer connection object remoteConnection');
this._remoteConnection.onicecandidate = this._remoteIceCallback.bind(this);
this._remoteConnection.ondatachannel = this._receiveChannelCallback.bind(this);
this._localConnection.createOffer(this._gotOfferFromLocalConnection.bind(this), this._onCreateSessionDescriptionError.bind(this));
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype._onCreateSessionDescriptionError = function (error) {
console.log('Failed to create session description: ' + error.toString());
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype.sendMessage = function (msgText) {
var msg = new Message(msgText);
// Send the msg object as a JSON-formatted string.
var data = JSON.stringify(msg);
console.log('Sent Data: ' + data);
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype.closeDataChannels = function () {
console.log('Closing data channels');
console.log('Closed data channel with label: ' + this._sendChannel.label);
console.log('Closed data channel with label: ' + this._receiveChannel.label);
this._localConnection = null;
this._remoteConnection = null;
console.log('Closed peer connections');
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype._gotOfferFromLocalConnection = function (desc) {
console.log('reached _gotOfferFromLocalConnection');
if (this && this._localConnection != 'undefined' && this._remoteConnection != 'undefined') {
console.log('Offer from localConnection \n' + desc.sdp);
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype._gotAnswerFromRemoteConnection = function (desc) {
console.log('reached _gotAnswerFromRemoteConnection');
if (this && this._localConnection != 'undefined' && this._remoteConnection != 'undefined') {
console.log('Answer from remoteConnection \n' + desc.sdp);
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype._localIceCallback = function (event) {
console.log('local ice callback');
if (event.candidate) {
this._onAddIceCandidateSuccess.bind(this), this._onAddIceCandidateError.bind(this));
console.log('Local ICE candidate: \n' + event.candidate.candidate);
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype._remoteIceCallback = function (event) {
console.log('remote ice callback');
if (event.candidate) {
this._onAddIceCandidateSuccess.bind(this), this._onAddIceCandidateError.bind(this));
console.log('Remote ICE candidate: \n ' + event.candidate.candidate);
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype._onAddIceCandidateSuccess = function (evt) {
console.log('AddIceCandidate success. evt: '+ evt);
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype._onAddIceCandidateError = function (error) {
console.log('Failed to add Ice Candidate: ' + error.toString());
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype._receiveChannelCallback = function (event) {
console.log('Receive Channel Callback');
this._receiveChannel = event.channel;
this._receiveChannel.onmessage = this._onReceiveMessageCallback.bind(this);
this._receiveChannel.onopen = this._onReceiveChannelStateChange.bind(this);
this._receiveChannel.onclose = this._onReceiveChannelStateChange.bind(this);
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype._onReceiveMessageCallback = function (event) {
console.log('Received Message: ' + event.data);
console.log('Received Message this is: ' + this);
var msgObj = JSON.parse(event.data);
this._fireEvent("messageRecieved", {
details: {
msg: msgObj
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype._onSendChannelStateChange = function () {
var readyState = this._sendChannel.readyState;
console.log('Send channel state is: ' + readyState);
WebRTCManagerFn.prototype._onReceiveChannelStateChange = function () {
var readyState = this._receiveChannel.readyState;
console.log('Receive channel state is: ' + readyState);
return WebRTCManagerFn;
My question is how to pass data between two pages on the same machine using WebRTC?