
bazel - writable archivable path for test runtime

2019-02-27 21:38发布


I'm running E2E test using some bazel test target (the scala flavour of java_test).

In Maven I used to dump logs to target/logs folder that was created during test time, and then if something failed - I could have looked in this folder and find the logs.

In bazel - what path can I put in my test logs configuration so it would be writable and conveniently available upon test finish / test failure?

I know that the java.io.tmp dir is writable but gets deleted immediately after test finishes.


So digging through bazel docs I found this: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/test-encyclopedia.html#initial-conditions

Seems like I can read env variable "TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR" and it will give me a writable path. Anything I write there would be zipped and saved under ./bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/testlogs/<package-name>/<target-name>/test.outputs/outputs.zip

Pretty cool!