I'm trying to build a custom commandline for my app, i have several basic commands, and i simply use bunch of "if" statements to check what the command is. currently it looks something like this
public void ExecuteCommand()
string input = ReadLine(); //gets last string from input
bool isDone = false; //need bool to check whether command was executed or no, by default false.
Match result = Regex.Match(input, @"([^\s]+)"); //to get command name
string commandName = result.Value.ToLower();
string value = Regex.Match(input, @"\s(.*)").Value; //to get its parameter. currently everything after ' ' space.
if (commandName == "close")
Close(); isDone = true;
//so commandline is separate window, and appendedForm is a main form. in which some functions are executed.
if (commandName == "exit")
if (commandName == "spoof")
isDone = true;
if(commandName == "spoofstop")
isDone = true;
if(commandName == "scan")
appendedForm.Fn_Scan(); isDone = true;
if(commandName == "clear")
output.Text = "";
WriteLine("Console cleared. Cache is empty.");
isDone = true;
So that's basically it. I have a mainForm, and commandline form. string input is typed into commandline, then I check the name of command and execute some function from mainForm.
My question is, what is the best way of implementing such kind of thing? I surely can just continue writing bunch of "if"s, but something tells me that it's not the best way to make it.
I've thought of creating class "Command"
public class Command
public string name;
public string description;
public bool hasParameter;
And storing all commands in some sort of array, but I am not sure how would I use this to call a function from mainForm.
Any ideas are welcome!