I\'ve always wondered how to write the \"A ? B : C\"
syntax in a C++ compatible language.
I think it works something like: (Pseudo code)
If A > B
C = A
C = B
Will any veteran C++ programmer please help me out?
I\'ve always wondered how to write the \"A ? B : C\"
syntax in a C++ compatible language.
I think it works something like: (Pseudo code)
If A > B
C = A
C = B
Will any veteran C++ programmer please help me out?
It works like this:
(condition) ? true-clause : false-clause
It\'s most commonly used in assignment operations, although it has other uses as well. The ternary operator ?
is a way of shortening an if-else clause, and is also called an immediate-if statement in other languages (IIf(condition,true-clause,false-clause)
in VB, for example).
For example:
bool Three = SOME_VALUE;
int x = Three ? 3 : 0;
is the same as
bool Three = SOME_VALUE;
int x;
if (Three)
x = 3;
x = 0;
It works like this:
expression ? trueValue : falseValue
Which basically means that if expression
evaluates to true, trueValue will be returned or executed, and falseValue will be returned or evaluated if not.
Remember that trueValue and falseValue will only be evaluated and executed if the expression is true or false, respectively. This behavior is called short circuiting.
In c++ there\'s no actual if part of this. It\'s called the ternary operator. It\'s used like this: <boolean statement> ? <result if true> : <result if false>; For your example above it would look like this:
C = A > B ? A : B;
This article on wikipedia also discusses it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ternary_operation
I assume you mean stuff like a = b ? c : d, where b is the condition, c is the value when b is true, and d is the value when b is false.
I would say the ? is a short-cut. However, some \"hard-core\" programmers tend to say write it out the long way so in future cases, people can easily read and modify code.
For example, if you write
int a = b<c ? b : c;
Some people claim that it\'s clearer to write:
a = b;
a = c;
Because in future cases, people can catch it. Of course, a simple b<c ? b:c is easy to catch, but sometimes complex operations are put in and it can be hard to spot.
No one seems to mention that a result of conditional operator expression can be an L-value in C++ (But not in C). The following code compiles in C++ and runs well:
int a, b;
bool cond;
a=1; b=2; cond=true;
(cond? a : b) = 3;
cout << a << \",\" << b << endl;
The above program prints 3, 2
Yet if a and b are of different types, it won\'t work. The following code gives a compiler error:
int a;
double b;
bool cond;
a=1; b=2; cond=true;
(cond? a : b) = 3;
cout << a << \",\" << b << endl;
IT IS QUITE SIMPLE IT\'S BASIC SYNTAX IS: expression1?expression2:expression3;
If expression 1 is hold true then expression 2 will hold otherwise expression 3 will hold.
here as condition is true value of 24 will be assigned to it. if it was false then 34 will be assigned to it
simply you can write this as