Add input to list then sum,find Max and Min on the

2019-02-27 15:22发布


menu:- write('how much data to input  : '),read(N1),
   N2 is 0,loop(N2,N1).

loop(N2,N1):-N1>0, N3 is N2+1,
        write('Input data '),write(N3),write(' : '),read(M1),
        N is N2+1, X is N1-1, loop(N,X).

guys i new at prolog there i have loop input, how to add from loop input (M1) to list, then find Max and Min on the list? my data is integer.


If you just start Prolog from command line you get this:


And then the cursor is waiting for you to input things. You can then write a list of integers between brackets and put it in a variable and it looks like this:

?- [1,2,3] = X.

Now if you want to see if all elements are integer you can write:

?- [1,2,3] = X,
   maplist(integer, X).

Now if you want to find min and max you can use library predicates like this:

?- [1,2,3] = X,
   maplist(integer, X),
   min_list(X, Min),
   max_list(X, Max),
   sum_list(X, Sum).

If you really want to do all at once you can do like this maybe:

integers_min_max_sum([I|Is], Min, Max, Sum) :-
    integers_min_max_sum_1(Is, I, I, I, Min, Max, Sum).

integers_min_max_1([], Min, Max, Sum, Min, Max, Sum).
integers_min_max_1([I|Is], Min0, Max0, Sum0, Min, Max, Sum) :-
    Min1 is min(Min0, I),
    Max1 is max(Max0, I),
    Sum1 is Sum0 + I,
    integers_min_max_1(Is, Min1, Max1, Sum1, Min, Max, Sum).

?- integers_min_max_sum([1,2,3, ...], Min, Max, Sum).

But really is this any better than using library predicates? Maybe, or maybe not.

标签: prolog