I am adding two circles and a polygon to a leaflet map. Here's my code which plots these three shapes. Is there any way I can get a union of these three shapes?
leaflet(options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 0, maxZoom = 18))
m <- leaflet()%>%
#Add mouse position
addMouseCoordinates(style = "basic", epsg = NULL,
proj4string = NULL, native.crs = FALSE)
#Runway Extremities
ARP <- c((72 +(50/60)+(32.67/3600)),(20+(26/60)+(1.54/3600)))
ptTop2 <- c((72 +(50/60)+(16.98/3600)),(20+(25/60)+(25.18/3600)))
ptBottom2 <- c((72 +(50/60)+(43.45/3600)),(20+(26/60)+(18.13/3600)))
ptTop1 <- c((72 +(50/60)+(8.64/3600)),(20+(26/60)+(8.08/3600)))
ptBottom1 <- c((72 +(50/60)+(44.21/3600)),(20+(26/60)+(5.63/3600)))
ap1 <- 95
ap2 <- 26
pt1 <- destPoint(ptTop1,ap1+90,4000)
pt2 <- destPoint(ptTop1,ap1-90,4000)
pt3 <- destPoint(ptBottom1,ap1-90,4000)
pt4 <- destPoint(ptBottom1,ap1+90,4000)
iRect <- data.frame(rbind(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4))
#Inner Horizontal Surface
m%>%addCircles(ptBottom1[1],ptBottom1[2],radius = 4000,color = "red",
fillOpacity = 0,weight = 3)%>%
addCircles(ptTop1[1],ptTop1[2],radius = 4000,color = "red",
fillOpacity = 0,weight = 3)%>%
addPolygons(iRect$lon,iRect$lat,color = "blue",
fillOpacity = 0, weight=3)
has the gUnion()
function, but I am not sure how to convert the circles that have been added by the code above, into SpatialPolygons.
I'd recommend moving away from spatial objects from the sp
package and instead look at simple feature objects from the sf
Simple Features are the 'new' spatial class for R (and are made by the same guy who did sp
So, to get the union of your circles, you can use
## A dataframe of your points
df <- data.frame(lon = c(ptTop1[1], ptTop2[1], ptBottom1[1], ptBottom2[1]),
lat = c(ptTop1[2], ptTop2[2], ptBottom1[2], ptBottom2[2]))
## convert them into a simple features data.frame
sf_df <- st_as_sf(df, coords = c("lon", "lat"))
## convert into circles
sf_circles <- st_buffer(sf_df, dist = 0.04)
## find the union of all the circles
sf_combined <- st_union(sf_circles)
## now sf_combined is a single polygon
# Geometry set for 1 feature
# geometry type: POLYGON
# dimension: XY
# bbox: xmin: 72.79573 ymin: 20.38366 xmax: 72.88561 ymax: 20.47837
# epsg (SRID): NA
# proj4string: NA
# POLYGON((72.8745460445306 20.4072956786729, 72....
As for plotting, leaflet can handle sf
objects (except for MULTIPOINT), so you can plot it directly
sp <- as(sf_combined, 'Spatial')
sf_combined %>%
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
As far as I know you can't. Whenever you add something on a leaflet map its considered as a separate layer, with separate properties and data:
- The idea is to be able to hide/show those layers using interactive
legends (so you want to keep your layers separated)
- I don't see any simple way to access each circle's points' coordinates
If you want to display something that's composed of several shapes, you'll have to create a complex SpatialPolygon yourself with points coordinates, sp package and this kind of code:
#Used for sp polygon creation
createPolygon <- function(latitude, longitude, name = "polygon"){
return(Polygons(list(Polygon(cbind(longitude, latitude))), ID = name))
#Will give "res" points coordinates for a circle centered on x0 y0
#with a radius r
CreateCircle <- function(x0, y0, r, res = 50){
theta = seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = res+1)
x = r*cos(theta) + x0
y = r*sin(theta) + y0
return(data.frame(x, y))
#Computes two circles points'
circleA <- CreateCircle (0, 0, 2, res = 200)
circleB <- CreateCircle (10, 10, 4, res = 6)
#Add them to polygons
A = createPolygon(circleA$x, circleA$y, "A")
B = createPolygon(circleB$x, circleB$y, "B")
C = SpatialPolygons(list(A, B))
#Create and display the leaflet map
m = leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>%
addPolygons(data = C, fillColor = topo.colors(10, alpha = NULL), stroke = TRUE)
If it can't display the result you want (e.g. because you want the circles to have different colors than your rectangles), you will have to use several layers and group them.