Hello beautiful people,
I’m a total newbi in general gui and qt, and am kind of stuck. I downloaded the slider example from here [qt.gitorious.org] and sobered it down to just the sliders. The code I’ve got right now is as follows: http://pastebin.com/EkXxdPee
I now want to read the values from the slider and do stuff with it (send it over to another program using zeromq). I guess I have to do something with valueChanged, but I have no clue what. Could anybody help me out a little bit?
All tips are welcome!
[EDIT] Thanks to the answer of Romha Korev and some googling I found a full working example here: http://zetcode.com/gui/pysidetutorial/widgets/
I simply worked from there and I finally have what I want now. Thanks!