I'm using rails 2.3.8
my error:
undefined method `will_paginate' for #<ActionView::Base:0x1124bfa10>
in environment.rb:
require "bundler/setup"
in my Gemfile:
gem "will_paginate", "2.3.14"
in the view:
<%= will_paginate(@subscriptions) %>
in the controller:
@search = Subscription.search(params[:search])
@search.order ||= :ascend_by_account_id
@subscriptions = @search.all.paginate(:include => :account, :page => params[:page], :per_page => 30)
Now... will paginate methods appear to work in the rest of the app... it's just that this will_paginate method that is supposed to include pagination links doesn't work. =\
Now, I just started using bundler, and before bundler, everything worked all the time. in my environment.rb I do
require "bundler/setup"
right before the Rails::Initializer
and here is the :default part of my gem file:
source "http://rubygems.org"
# system
gem "rails", "2.3.8"
gem "activesupport", "2.3.8", :require => "active_support"
gem "rake", "0.8.7"
# might be for POW, not sure
gem "childprocess", "0.2.2", :git => "git://github.com/jarib/childprocess.git"
# app
gem "mysql", "2.7"
gem "lockfile"
gem "ssl_requirement", "0.1.0"
gem "attr_encrypted", "1.1.2"
#gem "searchlogic", "2.5.6"
gem "will_paginate", "2.3.16"
gem "paperclip"
gem "garb", "0.7.6"
gem "delayed_job", "2.0.3"
gem "httparty", "0.5.2"
gem "pony", "1.1"
gem "friendly_id", "3.0.6"
gem "stringex", "1.1.0"
gem "i18n", "0.4.2"
gem "sms_fu", "1.1.1"
NOTE: for some reason search logic only works when it's included in the Rails:Initializer.run call in classic rails 2.3 way., config.gem "searchlogic", :version => "2.2.28"