I am using AWS boto3 pricing api to get the prices of instances.
But I am not getting the results for the combination (us west 2, r3.2x large, Linux, No pre software installed, tenancy =shared)
Here is my code:
pricing = boto3.client('pricing', region_name='us-east-1')
hourlyTermCode = 'JRTCKXETXF'
rateCode = '6YS6EN2CT7'
token = ''
while True:
paginator = pricing.get_paginator('get_products')
pages = paginator.paginate(
{'Type': 'TERM_MATCH', 'Field': 'operatingSystem', 'Value': 'Linux'},
{'Type': 'TERM_MATCH', 'Field': 'location', 'Value': 'US West (Oregon)'}
for response in pages:
for price in response['PriceList']:
resp = json.loads(price)
product = resp['product'] # ['attributes']['']
sku = product['sku']
if product['productFamily'] == 'Compute Instance':
if str(product['attributes']['instanceType']) == str(amazon_instance_type) :
if str(product['attributes']['operatingSystem']) == 'Linux':
if str(product['attributes']['preInstalledSw']) == 'NA':
if str(product['attributes']['tenancy']) == 'Shared':
sku_key = resp['terms']['OnDemand'].get(sku)
if sku_key:
price = sku_key[sku + '.' + hourlyTermCode + '.' + rateCode]['pricePerUnit']['USD']
print 'here 7'
print price
token = response['NextToken']
except KeyError:
This works:
import json
import boto3
client = boto3.client('pricing', region_name='us-east-1')
response = client.get_products(
{'Type': 'TERM_MATCH', 'Field': 'operatingSystem', 'Value': 'Linux'},
{'Type': 'TERM_MATCH', 'Field': 'location', 'Value': 'US West (Oregon)'},
{'Type': 'TERM_MATCH', 'Field': 'instanceType', 'Value': 'r3.2xlarge'},
{'Type': 'TERM_MATCH', 'Field': 'tenancy', 'Value': 'Shared'},
{'Type': 'TERM_MATCH', 'Field': 'preInstalledSw', 'Value': 'NA'}
for pricelist_json in response['PriceList']:
pricelist = json.loads(pricelist_json)
product = pricelist['product']
if product['productFamily'] == 'Compute Instance':
print pricelist['terms']['OnDemand'].values()[0]['priceDimensions'].values()[0][u'pricePerUnit']['USD']
It is based on the output of:
{u'FormatVersion': u'aws_v1', u'PriceList': [u'{
"product": {
"productFamily": "Compute Instance",
"attributes": {
"enhancedNetworkingSupported": "Yes",
"memory": "61 GiB",
"vcpu": "8",
"capacitystatus": "Used",
"locationType": "AWS Region",
"storage": "1 x 160 SSD",
"instanceFamily": "Memory optimized",
"operatingSystem": "Linux",
"physicalProcessor": "Intel Xeon E5-2670 v2 (Ivy Bridge)",
"clockSpeed": "2.5 GHz",
"ecu": "26",
"networkPerformance": "High",
"servicename": "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud",
"instanceType": "r3.2xlarge",
"tenancy": "Shared",
"usagetype": "USW2-BoxUsage:r3.2xlarge",
"normalizationSizeFactor": "16",
"processorFeatures": "Intel AVX; Intel Turbo",
"servicecode": "AmazonEC2",
"licenseModel": "No License required",
"currentGeneration": "No",
"preInstalledSw": "NA",
"location": "US West (Oregon)",
"processorArchitecture": "64-bit",
"operation": "RunInstances"
"serviceCode": "AmazonEC2",
"terms": {
"OnDemand": {
"priceDimensions": {
"unit": "Hrs",
"endRange": "Inf",
"description": "$0.665 per On Demand Linux r3.2xlarge Instance Hour",
"appliesTo": [],
"beginRange": "0",
"pricePerUnit": {
"USD": "0.6650000000"
"effectiveDate": "2018-07-01T00:00:00Z",
"offerTermCode": "JRTCKXETXF",
"termAttributes": {}
"version": "20180726190848",
"publicationDate": "2018-07-26T19:08:48Z"