I would like to replace just complete words using php
Example :
If I have
$text = \"Hello hellol hello, Helloz\";
and I use
$newtext = str_replace(\"Hello\",\'NEW\',$text);
The new text should look like
NEW hello1 hello, Helloz
PHP returns
NEW hello1 hello, NEWz
You want to use regular expressions. The \\b
matches a word boundary.
$text = preg_replace(\'/\\bHello\\b/\', \'NEW\', $text);
If $text
contains UTF-8 text, you\'ll have to add the Unicode modifier \"u\", so that non-latin characters are not misinterpreted as word boundaries:
$text = preg_replace(\'/\\bHello\\b/u\', \'NEW\', $text);
multiple word in string replaced by this
$String = \'Team Members are committed to delivering quality service for all buyers and sellers.\';
echo $String;
echo \"<br>\";
$String = preg_replace(array(\'/\\bTeam\\b/\',\'/\\bfor\\b/\',\'/\\ball\\b/\'),array(\'Our\',\'to\',\'both\'),$String);
echo $String;
Array replacement list: In case your replacement strings are substituting each other, you need preg_replace_callback
$pairs = [\"one\"=>\"two\", \"two\"=>\"three\", \"three\"=>\"one\"];
$r = preg_replace_callback(
\"/\\w+/\", # only match whole words
function($m) use ($pairs) {
if (isset($pairs[$m[0]])) { # optional: strtolower
return $pairs[$m[0]];
else {
return $m[0]; # keep unreplaced
Obviously / for efficiency /\\w+/
could be replaced with a key-list /\\b(one|two|three)\\b/i
You can also use T-Regx library, that quotes $
or \\
characters while replacing
$text = pattern(\'\\bHello\\b\')->replace($text)->all()->with(\'NEW\');