Cant get the Edit function Working

2019-02-27 09:37发布


I have two models Employee and Overtime Definition The Associations are set like this


class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :overtime_definitions

Overtime Definition

class OvertimeDefinition < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :employee

I created an Overtime definition for an employee and it all looks fine.However I'm having trouble with editing the same for an employee.


    def new
        @flag = params[:flag]
        @employee = Employee.find(params[:id])
        @overtime =

      def create
        @employee = Employee.find(params[:overtime_definition][:employee_id])
        @overtime =[:overtime_definition])
        if (params[:half_day_extra_duty_hours][:hour].to_s !="" || params[:half_day_extra_duty_hours][:minute].to_s !="")
          @overtime.half_day_extra_duty_hours   = params[:half_day_extra_duty_hours][:hour].to_s + ":" + params[:half_day_extra_duty_hours][:minute].to_s + ":" + "00"
         @overtime.half_day_extra_duty_hours = nil
        if (params[:full_day_extra_duty_hours][:hour].to_s !="" || params[:full_day_extra_duty_hours][:minute].to_s !="")
          @overtime.full_day_extra_duty_hours   = params[:full_day_extra_duty_hours][:hour].to_s + ":" + params[:full_day_extra_duty_hours][:minute].to_s + ":" + "00"
         @overtime.full_day_extra_duty_hours = nil
      flash[:notice] = "Overtime Successfully Created for #{}"
      redirect_to :action => 'search_overtime'

def edit
    @flag = params[:flag]
    @overtime = OvertimeDefinition.find(params[:id][:employee_id])
    @employee = Employee.find(params[:id])

  def update
    @employee = Employee.find(params[:id])
    @overtime = OvertimeDefinition.find(params[:id])
    if @overtime.update_attributes(params[:overtime_definition])
     flash[:notice] = "Overtime Successfully Updated for #{}"
            redirect_to :action => 'search_overtime'
     render :action => 'edit',:flag=>params[:flag]

Tried with these in the edit method

  1. @overtime = OvertimeDefinition.find(params[:id][:employee_id])

    #gives me can't convert Symbol into Integer error.

  2. @overtime = OvertimeDefinition.find(params[:id])

    #gives me Couldn't find OvertimeDefinition with ID=1353 error.Actually 1353 is the id of that employee.

    3.@overtime = OvertimeDefinition.find(params[:employee_id])

    #gives me couldn't find OvertimeDefinition without an ID error.

My _search_overtime_employee_list having these links for new and edit actions

<%=link_to "Calculation" ,:action => "new",:id=>, :flag=>"Calculation" %>

<%= link_to "Re-Calculate",:action => "edit",:id=>,:flag=>"Re-Calculate" %>


<%= form_tag :action => 'create' do %>
<%= render :partial =>'form'%>
    <%= submit_tag "Save",:onclick=>"return validate()",:class=>"buttons"%>
<% end %>
<%= link_to "Back" ,:action => "search_overtime" %>


<%= form_tag :action => 'update', :id=>,:flag=> params[:flag],:value=>params[:id] %>
<%= render :partial =>'form'%>
    <%= submit_tag "Update",:onclick=>"return validate()",:class=>"buttons"%>
<%= link_to "Back" ,:action => "search_overtime" %>


Employee Details

<table cellspacing="5">
    <td><b>Employee Code</b></td>
    <%= hidden_field 'overtime_definition','employee_id',:value=>params[:id] %>
    <td><%= @employee.employeeid %></td>
    <td><b>Employee Name</b></td>
    <td><%= @employee.personnel.display_full_name %></td>
    <td><%=  @employee.department ? : "" %></td>
    <td><%= @employee.designation ? : "" %></td>

  <table cellspacing="5">

    <%= form_for :overtime_definition, :builder => LabelFormBuilder do |od| %>
      <label for="half_day_extra_duty_hours">
       Half Day Extra Duty Hours
      <td class ="datefamily">
      <%= select_time(@overtime.half_day_extra_duty_hours, {:include_blank => true, :time_separator => ":",:prefix => "half_day_extra_duty_hours"})%>
      <label for="full_day_extra_duty_hours">
       Full Day Extra Duty Hours
     <td class ="datefamily">
     <%= select_time(@overtime.full_day_extra_duty_hours, {:include_blank => true, :time_separator => ":",:prefix => "full_day_extra_duty_hours"})%>
    <%= od.sr_check_box :is_salary_basis, {}, true, false, :label => "Is Salary Basis"%>
    <%= od.sr_check_box :is_fixed_amount, {}, true, false, :label => "Is Fixed Amount"%>
    <td colspan="2" id="ov_hm" style="display: none">
     Half Day Amount
    <%= od.text_field :half_day_amount, :onkeypress => "return numbersonly(event)", :style => "width:40px" %>
     <td colspan="2" id="ov_fm" style="display: none">
     Full Day Amount
     <%= od.text_field :full_day_amount, :onkeypress => "return numbersonly(event)", :style => "width:40px" %>


I just lost out here completely in getting that edit action work.Any help is greatly appreciated!


Your current edit link is:

<%= link_to "Re-Calculate",:action => "edit",:id=>,:flag=>"Re-Calculate" %>

In your edit action:

@overtime = OvertimeDefinition.find(params[:id][:employee_id]) ## gives me can't convert Symbol into Integer error.

As per the edit link, you are directly passing :id in query params which you can access as params[:id]. There is no params[:id][:employee_id] in your params hash so when you say params[:id][:employee_id] Ruby tries to convert :employee_id to an integer which is a symbol. Hence, the error.

I think you should be passing id of OvertimeDefinition record in :id from your link. And access it as

@overtime = OvertimeDefinition.find(params[:id])

in the Controller's action.

@overtime = OvertimeDefinition.find(params[:id]) ## gives me Couldn't find OvertimeDefinition with ID=1353 error.Actually 1353 is the id of that employee.

This is because you are passing employee id in params[:id] so obviously this will not work. You need to pass OvertimeDefinition id here.

@overtime = OvertimeDefinition.find(params[:employee_id]) ## gives me couldn't find OvertimeDefinition without an ID error.

You are not passing any :employee_id in query params within edit link. So, params[:employee_id] will be nil and find method fails because you didn't pass any id to it.

Solution :

Update your edit link as below:

<%= link_to "Re-Calculate",:action => "edit",:id=> , :employee_id =>,:flag=>"Re-Calculate" %> 

Replace with appropriate id of OvertimeDefinition record. As you have not shared the code, I don't know the name of OvertimeDefinition variable.

Update your edit action as:

  def edit
    @flag = params[:flag]
    @overtime = OvertimeDefinition.find(params[:id])
    @employee = Employee.find(params[:employee_id])