I have a quite common use case - a list of comments. Each comment has an author.
I'm storing the reference from a comment to the author using a reference, since an author can make multiple comments.
Now I'm working with ReactiveMongo and want to try to keep the database access asynchronous, but in this case, I don't know how. I do an asynchronous access to the database, to get the comments, but then for each comment I have to get the author, and until now the only way I know is to loop through the comments and get the user synchronously:
val userOption:Option[JsObject] = Await.result(usersCollection.find(Json.obj("id" -> userId).one[JsObject], timeout)
Other than that, I could:
Get each user asynchronously but then I have to introduce some functionality to wait until all user were fetched, in order to return the response, and my code is likely to become a mess.
Store the complete user object - at least what I need for the comment (picture, name and such) in each comment. This redundancy could become troublesome to manage, since each time a user changes something (relevant to the data stored in the comments) I would have to go through all the comments in the database and modify it.
What is the correct pattern to apply here?