I have installed Hadoop 2.6 on single machine using This Tutorial. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 machine and Java version 1.6.0_27.
I have created separate user as hduser for Hadoop operations. I have set HADOOP_HOME envrioment variable's value /usr/local/hadoop where I have extracted the Hadoop distribution.
Now I am following an example. But when I execute the command $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hdfs dfs -ls /home/hduser/input/
it gives following error -
15/01/02 18:32:38 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
ls: `/home/hduser/input/': No such file or directory
Also I have tried command-
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir /home/hduser/input/
, but still getting same error.
When I run the command jps
it shows -
16023 SecondaryNameNode
16200 ResourceManager
16432 NodeManager
18971 Jps
15503 NameNode
It is not showing any process for JobTracker and TaskTracker.
Can anybody please help me to resolve the issue of ls: `/home/hduser/input/': No such file or directory and to start/list the process for JobTracker and TaskTracker.
Thanks in Advance.