I'm using argparse
to take input and pass it to a function that takes as arguments two variables and **kwargs
Here's my function:
import requests
import sys
import argparse
def location_by_coordinate(LAT, LNG, **kwargs):
if not kwargs:
coordinate_url = "https://api.instagram.com/v1/locations/search?lat=%s&lng=%s&access_token=%s" % (LAT, LNG, current_token)
r = requests.get(coordinate_url).text
coordinate_url = "https://api.instagram.com/v1/locations/search?lat=%s&lng=%s&access_token=%s" % (LAT, LNG, current_token)
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
if 'DISTANCE' in kwargs:
distance = kwargs.get('DISTANCE')
if distance > 5000:
print distance
print "max distance is 5000m, value is reassigned to default of 1000m"
distance = 1000
coordinate_url = "https://api.instagram.com/v1/locations/search?lat=%s&lng=%s&access_token=%s" % (LAT, LNG, current_token)
r = requests.get(coordinate_url).text
coordinate_url = "https://api.instagram.com/v1/locations/search?lat=%s&lng=%s&access_token=%s" % (LAT, LNG, current_token)
r = requests.get(coordinate_url).text
if 'FACEBOOK_PLACES_ID' in kwargs:
fb_places_id = kwargs.get('FACEBOOK_PLACES_ID')
payload = {'FACEBOOK_PLACES_ID': '%s' % (fb_places_id), 'DISTANCE': '%s' % (DISTANCE)}
r = requests.get(coordinate_url, params=payload).text
if 'FOURSQUARE_ID' in kwargs:
foursquare_id = kwargs.get('FOURSQUARE_ID')
payload = {'FOURSQUARE_ID': '%s' % (foursquare_id), 'DISTANCE': '%s' % (DISTANCE)}
r = requests.get(coordinate_url, params=payload).text
if 'FOURSQUARE_V2_ID' in kwargs:
foursquare_v2_id = kwargs.get('FOURSQUARE_V2_ID')
payload = {'FOURSQUARE_V2_ID': '%s' % (foursquare_v2_id), 'DISTANCE': '%s' % (DISTANCE)}
r = requests.get(coordinate_url, params=payload).text
#print r
return r
Given this function and its use of **kwargs, how should I setup the subparsers?
Here's how I've setup the command line parser thus far:
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="API Endpoints tester")
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command", help="Available commands")
location_by_parser = subparsers.add_parser("location_by_coordinate", help="location function")
location_by_parser.add_argument("LAT", help="latitude")
location_by_parser.add_argument("LNG", help="longitude")
arguments = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
arguments = vars(arguments)
command = arguments.pop("command")
if command == "location_by_coordinate":
LAT, LNG = location_by_coordinate(**arguments)
print "No command provided..."
if __name__ == "__main__":
Obviously, the above main() function works fine with the location_by_coordinate() function when I call it at the command line like this:
$ python argstest.py location_by_coordinate 40.5949799 -73.9495148
But with the code the way it is currently, if I try:
$ python argstest.py location_by_coordinate 40.5949799 -73.9495148 DISTANCE=3000
Obviously, I get:
argstest.py: error: unrecognized arguments: DISTANCE=3000
But I'm not sure how to setup a subparser for **kwargs. If I try to setup a subparser like this:
location_by_parser.add_argument("**kwargs", help="**kwargs")
and then try that command again:
$ python argstest.py location_by_coordinate 40.5949799 -73.9495148 DISTANCE=3000
That doesn't work because the arguments
object (which is a dictionary), becomes this:
{'LAT': '40.5949799', 'LNG': '-73.9495148', 'command': 'location_by_coordinate', '**kwargs': 'DISTANCE=3000'
And this Traceback is returned:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "argstest.py", line 118, in <module>
File "argstest.py", line 108, in main
foo = location_by_coordinate(**arguments)
File "argstest.py", line 40, in location_by_coordinate
return r
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'r' referenced before assignment
How can I enable argparse to handle/to parse what is entered at the command line that is intended to be passed to the function via **kwargs?
Do you understand what is going on with the
{'LAT': '40.5949799', 'LNG': '-73.9495148', 'command': 'location_by_coordinate', '**kwargs': 'DISTANCE=3000'}
dictionary? You defined a 'positional' argument with the name ('dest') of '**kwargs'. You could just as well named it 'foobar'. The parser assigned the string 'DISTANCE=3000' to that attribute in the args
namespace, which turned into a dictionary key:value pair in arguments
You could, of course, look for arguments['**kwargs']
, and parse the value for yourself:
v = arguments['**kwargs'] # or pop if you prefer
if v is not None:
k, v = v.split('=')
arguments[k] = int(v)
It could be generalized to handle multiple pairs (defined with `nargs='*').
does not handle arguments the same way as Python functions, so there's nothing exactly analogous the **kwargs
The normal way to accept something like distance
is with 'optionals' or flagged arguments.
parser.add_argument('-d','--distance', type=int, help=...)
which will accept
python argstest.py location_by_coordinate 40.5949799 -73.9495148 --distance=3000
python argstest.py location_by_coordinate 40.5949799 -73.9495148 --distance 3000
python argstest.py location_by_coordinate 40.5949799 -73.9495148 --d3000
python argstest.py location_by_coordinate 40.5949799 -73.9495148
It could also be setup to use --DISTANCE
or other names. In the last case args
namespace will have a default value for distance
. The default default is None
That's the straight forward way of adding kwarg
like arguments to argparse
Accepting arbitrary dictionary like pairs, distance:3000
, distance=3000
, has been asked before on SO. The answers have always been some variation of the parsing that I sketched above. It could be done in a custom Action class, or post parsing as I suggest.
oops, this answer is nearly a clone of one I wrote a few days ago:
A similar 2011 question:
Using argparse to parse arguments of form "arg= val"
Python argparse dict arg
Example with a function that takes *args
In [2]: import argparse
In [3]: def foo(*args, **kwargs):
...: print('args',args)
...: print('kwargs',kwargs)
In [4]: parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()
In [5]: parser.add_argument('arg1')
In [6]: parser.add_argument('arg2',nargs='+')
In [7]: args=parser.parse_args('one two three'.split())
In [8]: args
Out[8]: Namespace(arg1='one', arg2=['two', 'three'])
So I have 2 positional arguments, one with a single string value, the other with a list (due to the +
Call foo
with these args
In [10]: foo(args.arg1)
args ('one',)
kwargs {}
In [11]: foo(args.arg1, args.arg2)
args ('one', ['two', 'three'])
kwargs {}
In [12]: foo(args.arg1, arg2=args.arg2)
args ('one',)
kwargs {'arg2': ['two', 'three']}
I defined 'positionals', but it would have worked just as well with 'optionals'. The distinction between positionals and optionals disappears in the namespace.
If I convert the namespace to a dictionary, I can pass values to foo
in various ways, either through the *args
or through **kwargs
. It's all in how I call foo
, not in how they appear in args
or arguments
. None of this is unique to argparse
In [13]: arguments = vars(args)
In [14]: arguments
Out[14]: {'arg2': ['two', 'three'], 'arg1': 'one'}
In [15]: foo(arguments['arg2'], arguments['arg1'])
args (['two', 'three'], 'one')
kwargs {}
In [16]: foo(arguments['arg2'], arguments)
args (['two', 'three'], {'arg2': ['two', 'three'], 'arg1': 'one'})
kwargs {}
In [17]: foo(arguments['arg2'], **arguments)
args (['two', 'three'],)
kwargs {'arg2': ['two', 'three'], 'arg1': 'one'}
In [24]: foo(*arguments, **arguments)
args ('arg2', 'arg1') # *args is the keys of arguments
kwargs {'arg2': ['two', 'three'], 'arg1': 'one'}
In [25]: foo(*arguments.values(), **arguments)
args (['two', 'three'], 'one') # *args is the values of arguments
kwargs {'arg2': ['two', 'three'], 'arg1': 'one'}
How can I enable argparse to handle/to parse what is entered at the
command line that is intended to be passed to the function via
This command:
$ python argstest.py location_by_coordinate 40.5949799 -73.9495148 DISTANCE=3000
does NOT execute the function call:
location_by_coordinate(40.5949799, -73.9495148, DISTANCE=3000)
That is easy to prove:
def location_by_coordinate(x, y, **kwargs):
print "I was called!"
Go ahead and parse the args, and you'll see that the function isn't called. As a result, all your work setting up a subparser with the name location_by_coordinate
was in vain.
The argparse
module just examines sys.argv
, which is a simple list of strings. Each string is one of the 'words' entered on the command line after the python
By default, the argument strings are taken from sys.argv,...
Yeah, sys.argv
is a scary name, but a list of strings is just a list of strings. If you look at the argparse docs, all the examples do this:
parser.parse_args('--foo FOO'.split())
A list of strings you create with split()
is no different than some list of strings that sys.argv refers to.
You need to call your location_by_coordinate()
function yourself. In order to do that, you need to get the args from the command line, assemble the args that should be kwargs in a dictionary, and call your function like this:
location_by_coordinate(lat, lon, **my_dict)
If you have these values:
lat = 10
lon = 20
my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
then the function call above will be equivalent to:
location_by_coordinate(10, 20, a=1, b=2)
Here is an example:
import argparse
def dostuff(x, y, **kwargs):
print x, y, kwargs
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
my_dict = {}
my_dict["distance"] = args.distance
dostuff(args.LAT, args.LON, **my_dict)
$ python my_prog.py 10 20 --distance 1
10 20 {'distance': '1'}
You can also get a dict from the parser:
args = parser.parse_args()
args_dict = vars(args)
print args_dict
{'LAT': '10', 'distance': '1', 'LON': '20'}
lat = args_dict.pop('LAT')
lon = args_dict.pop('LON')
print args_dict
{'distance': '1'}
location_by_coordinates(lat, lon, **args_dict)
If you want to make the user type:
on the command line, first of all I would not make them type all caps, so lets make the goal:
Add another mandatory argument to the parser:
location_by_parser.add_argument("distance", help="distance")
Then after you parse the following:
$ python argstest.py location_by_coordinate 40.5949799 -73.9495148 distance=3000
you can do this:
arguments = parser.parse_args()
args_dict = vars(arguments)
The args_dict
will contain the key/value pair 'distance': 'distance=3000'
. You can change that dict entry to 'distance': '3000'
by doing the following:
pieces = args_dict['distance'].split('=')
if len(pieces) == 2 and pieces[0] == 'distance':
args_dict['distance'] = pieces[1]
Or, you can set things up so that the parser will automatically execute that code by creating a custom action that executes when the distance
arg is parsed:
class DistanceAction(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
#values => The value for the distance command line arg
pieces = values.split('=')
if len(pieces) == 2 and pieces[0] in ['distance', 'wave_action']: #only allow 'distance=' and 'wave_action='
setattr(namespace, self.dest, pieces[1]) #The dest key specified in the parser gets assigned the value
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Usage: distance=3000. Only distance=, wave_action= allowed.')
You can use the action like this:
And if you want to get fancy, you can collect all the name=val
args specified on the command line into one dictionary named, say, keyword_args
, which will allow you to call your method like this:
args = parser.parse_args()
args_dict = vars(args)
keyword_args = args_dict["keyword_args"]
location_by_coordinates(lat, lon, **keyword_args)
Here's the parser configuration:
help="extra args",
import argparse
import sys
def location_by_coordinates(x, y, **kwargs):
print x
print y
print kwargs
class DistanceAction(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
allowed_keywords = ['distance', 'wave_action']
keyword_dict = {}
for arg in values: #values => The args found for keyword_args
pieces = arg.split('=')
if len(pieces) == 2 and pieces[0] in allowed_keywords:
keyword_dict[pieces[0]] = pieces[1]
else: #raise an error
#Create error message:
msg_inserts = ['{}='] * len(allowed_keywords)
msg_template = 'Example usage: distance=3000. Only {} allowed.'.format(', '.join(msg_inserts))
msg = msg_template.format(*allowed_keywords)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg)
setattr(namespace, self.dest, keyword_dict) #The dest key specified in the
#parser gets assigned the keyword_dict--in
#this case it defaults to 'keyword_args'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="API Endpoints tester")
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command", help="Available commands")
location_by_parser = subparsers.add_parser("location_by_coordinate", help="location function")
location_by_parser.add_argument("LAT", help="latitude")
location_by_parser.add_argument("LNG", help="longitude")
location_by_parser.add_argument("keyword_args", help="extra args", nargs='*', action=DistanceAction)
arguments = parser.parse_args()
args_dict = vars(arguments)
print args_dict
lat = args_dict['LAT']
lon = args_dict['LNG']
keyword_args = args_dict['keyword_args']
location_by_coordinates(lat, lon, **keyword_args)
$ python prog.py location_by_coordinate 40.5949799 -73.9495148 distance=3000 wave_action=1.4
{'LAT': '40.5949799', 'LNG': '-73.9495148', 'command': 'location_by_coordinate', 'keyword_args': {'distance': '3000', 'wave_action': '1.4'}}
{'distance': '3000', 'wave_action': '1.4'}
$ python prog.py location_by_coordinate 40.5949799 -73.9495148 x=10
File "2.py", line 25, in __call__
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg)
argparse.ArgumentTypeError: Example usage: distance=3000. Only distance=, wave_action= allowed.