For loading the views in CodeIgniter, I have to repeat loading the fixed views (header and footer) which is a little annoying to be repeated for every view-related controller.
Currently when I want to load views in CI, I do the following:
Then, how can I change $this->load->view();
to get a parameter (for instance boolean) which allows a view to be loaded before/after the targeted view. Such as this one:
$this->load->view("index", TRUE, FALSE, $data); // TRUE=>header FALSE=>footer $data=>common variable
Is it possible to hack the function like this?
You can do with library
Create a new library file called template.php
and write a function called load_template
. In that function, use above code.
public function load_template($view_file_name,$data_array=array())
$ci = &get_instatnce();
$ci->> load->view("footer");
You have to load this library in autoload file in config folder. so you don't want to load in all controller.
You can this function like
If you want to pass date to view file, then you can send via $data_array
try this library, it worked for me, when I used it