This is a follow-up from Invoke pstools in Python script
When I open a command prompt and execute
D:\pstools\psloggedon.exe -l -x \\
I get
But when I execute the script
import sys, subprocess, socket, string
import wmi, win32api, win32con
pst = subprocess.Popen(
["D:\pstools\psloggedon.exe", "-l", "-x", "\\"],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE
out, error = pst.communicate()
print out, "is output"
I get
Error opening HKEY_USERS for \
is output
How do I get the subprocess to read the IP address as \ instead of \
By the way, I tried to add third backslash
pst = subprocess.Popen(
["D:\pstools\psloggedon.exe", "-l", "-x", "\\\"],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE
And the output is
Error opening HKEY_USERS for .0.139.40
is output