I am working on an IoT analytics solution which consumes Avro formatted messages fired at an Azure IoT Hub and (hopefully) uses Stream Analytics to store messages in Data Lake and blob storage. A key requirement is the Avro containers must appear exactly the same in storage as they did when presented to the IoT Hub, for the benefit of downstream consumers.
I am running into a limitation in Stream Analytics with granular control over individual file creation. When setting up a new output stream path, I can only provide date/day and hour in the path prefix, resulting in one file for every hour instead of one file for every message received. The customer requires separate blob containers for each device and separate blobs for each event. Similarly, the Data Lake requirement dictates at least a sane naming convention that is delineated by device, with separate files for each event ingested.
Has anyone successfully configured Stream Analytics to create a new file every time it pops a message off of the input? Is this a hard product limitation?