I am creating this function:
function LiteralTimePassed(FromDate: TDateTime; ToDate: TDateTime = 0): string;
Coma = ', ';
Dt, Mt: Integer; { se dos dias contarem mais que 30/31 então aumenta o mês }
P: TDateTime;
HC: Boolean; { indica se já há um token antes do novo token, para colocar vírgula }
Token: string; { a parte do timestamp verificada no loop }
Literal: string;
Y, M, D, H, N, S: Integer; { ano, mês, dia, hora, minuto(n), segundo }
Ys, Ms, Ds, Hs, Ns, Ss: Boolean; { valida se valores maiores que 1 para adicionar 's' }
{ retorna quanto tempo se passou desde a data 1 até a data 2 em forma literal }
if ToDate = 0 then ToDate := Now;
HC := False;
Literal := '';
P := ToDate-FromDate ;
Dt := (DaysInMonth(FromDate)-DayOf(FromDate))+(DaysInMonth(ToDate)-DayOf(ToDate));
Mt := Dt div DaysInMonth(ToDate);
Ys := VarAssign(Y, YearsBetween(ToDate, FromDate)) > 1;
Ms := VarAssign(M, (MonthsBetween(ToDate, FromDate)-(Y*MonthsPerYear))-Mt) > 1;
Ds := VarAssign(D, Dt mod DaysInMonth(ToDate)) > 1;
// I did not make the hour, minute and second, yet...
To get a response like:
There has been "2 years, 4 months, 1 day, 7 hours, 30 minutes and 22 seconds" between those dates
My doubt is if my logic is correct in the case of counting days passed and if I will have to make the same calculations with the time part.
But if you know any free coded that already does that, it will save me much time!