I am using my Rails app as an API backend. So I have a single page angular app which will make multiple api calls and start displaying as each data gets returned. I don't want to wait for all the results from the API call and then load the data, so I started learning deferred and promise.
I have an angular service called api where I will have $http calls to all my api. I have hardcoded the data that returns from each one of the api calls for testing purposes.
debugger.factory "api", ["$resource", "$q", ($resource, $q) ->
apiCall1 = [
key1: "v1"
key2: "v2"
key3: "v3"
apiCall2 =
apiCall7 =
factory = getIsDynamicApp: ->
deferred = $q.defer()
deferred.resolve apiCall1
I have created an edge service to call methods from my api service. I have used $timeout to simulate the async api calls.
debugger.factory "EdgeService", ($resource, api, $q, $timeout, $http) ->
fetchIsDynamic = ->
tickets: ->
deferred = $q.defer()
fetchIsDynamic().then (data) ->
$timeout (->
deferred.resolve data
console.log data #<- this works, I can see the data
), 3000
In my EdgeController I call the service and attach the value to $scope.data
debugger.controller "EdgeController", ($scope, EdgeService) ->
$scope.load = ->
$scope.data = EdgeService.tickets()
debugger.$inject = ["$scope"]
This is my slim template
doctype html
html(ng-app="debugger" class="ng-scope")
title Ads Debugger
= stylesheet_link_tag "application/debugger"
= javascript_include_tag "debugger"
form class="serch_form"
input type="text" name="search_box" id="search_box"
input type="submit" value="Search" ng-click="load()"
pre message {{data}}
The output is not getting binded'
Also is this the best way to implement if I have to make multiple api calls and update the view as each one returns?