How to use jQuery Validate form validation with dr

2019-02-26 21:26发布


I want to use jQuery validate library on a div based select form element. I am using the dropkick library to beautify my selects, but I am having difficulties trying to validate the form due to my select elements getting re-created with DIVS.

<select id="permissionGroup" class="dropkick" name="permissionGroup" style="display: none;">
    <option selected="selected" value="">
      Please Select
    <option value="1">
    <option value="2">

The above select field will get converted into the below html.

  <div id="dk_container_permissionGroup" class="dk_container dk_theme_default" tabindex="" style="display: block;">
    <span class="value"><a class="dk_toggle" style="width: 131px;"><span class=
    "dk_label">Please Select</span></a></span>

    <div class="dk_options" style="top: 29px;">
      <ul class="dk_options_inner">
        <li class="dk_option_current"><a data-dk-dropdown-value="">Please Select</a></li>
        <li class=""><a data-dk-dropdown-value="1">Admin</a></li>
        <li class=""><a data-dk-dropdown-value="2">Auditor</a></li>

I built the following custom method for validator, but not sure how to apply it to the form validation process.

    function(value, element){
        var spanValue = $("#dk_container_permissionGroup span.dk_label").text();

        if(spanValue == "Please Select"){
            return false;
            return true;


I understand this is a long overdue answer but I have found an solution. Validation is not working with dropkick library because original select box was given display: none; css style.

Fix, force original select box css with:

display: block !important;

This will make it visible but it will not be visible because new custom select box is over it.

Or add this line to validator config:

ignore: ""

It will prevent plugin from ignoring elements with display: none.


Spot on Gajotres with adding ignore to the jquery validation plugin!


...worked for me.

I did come accross an issue when I tried to fix this with css. The DropKick version I had [1.0.0] hides the select boxes with a inline display:none. This couldn't be overwritten from a stylesheet so I had to comment out the line in the dropkick.js which hid the select boxes:


@ line 150 in the plugin for me.

And to finish things off I hid the select boxes manually in the CSS by pulling them off the screen:


Worked fine. Maybe newer versions hide things differently?


highlight and unhighlight function might help :)

    highlight: function (element, errorClass) {         
    $('.dk_toggle').css('border', 'none');
    unhighlight: function(element, errorClass) {
    $('.dk_toggle').css('border', '1px solid #ccc');