After some processing I have a DStream[String , ArrayList[String]] , so when I am writing it to hdfs using saveAsTextFile and after every batch it overwrites the data , so how to write new result by appending to previous results
output.foreachRDD(r => {
Edit :: If anyone could help me in converting the output to avro format and then writing to HDFS with appending
does not support append. If called with a fixed filename, it will overwrite it every time.
We could do saveAsTextFile(path+timestamp)
to save to a new file every time. That's the basic functionality of DStream.saveAsTextFiles(path)
An easily accessible format that supports append
is Parquet. We first transform our data RDD to a DataFrame
or Dataset
and then we can benefit from the write support offered on top of that abstraction.
case class DataStructure(field1,..., fieldn)
... streaming setup, dstream declaration, ...
val structuredOutput = => mapFunctionRecordToDataStructure)
structuredOutput.foreachRDD(rdd =>
import sparkSession.implicits._
val df = rdd.toDF()
Note that appending to Parquet files gets more expensive over time, so rotating the target file from time to time is still a requirement.
If you want to append the same file and store on file system, store it as a parquet file. You can do it by
kafkaData.foreachRDD( rdd => {
val df=rdd.toDF()