I am trying to run a python script from the windows command prompt, but I receive the following error message:
"python: can't open file 'pacman.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory"
when I try the command:
c:\Program Files (x86)\Python27>python pacman.py
This particular python script file pacman.py is located in the following folder:
So I added this folder to PYTHONPATH and confirmed that is was there using the following code:
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path
['', 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Python27\\Lib\\idlelib', 'C:\\Users\\Chris\\Dropbox\\edX\\CS188x\\search', 'C:\\windows\\syste...
I also checked the permissions on this file:
>>> os.access("C:\Users\Chris\Dropbox\edX\CS188x\search\pacman.py",os.W_OK)
>>> os.access("C:\Users\Chris\Dropbox\edX\CS188x\search\pacman.py",os.R_OK)
>>> os.access("C:\Users\Chris\Dropbox\edX\CS188x\search\pacman.py",os.X_OK)
So I am really not sure why I can't run this file, even though its path has been added to PYTHONPATH. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.