cannot run python script file using windows prompt

2019-02-26 18:01发布


I am trying to run a python script from the windows command prompt, but I receive the following error message:

"python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory"

when I try the command:

c:\Program Files (x86)\Python27>python

This particular python script file is located in the following folder:


So I added this folder to PYTHONPATH and confirmed that is was there using the following code:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path
['', 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Python27\\Lib\\idlelib', 'C:\\Users\\Chris\\Dropbox\\edX\\CS188x\\search', 'C:\\windows\\syste...

I also checked the permissions on this file:

>>> os.access("C:\Users\Chris\Dropbox\edX\CS188x\search\",os.W_OK)
>>> os.access("C:\Users\Chris\Dropbox\edX\CS188x\search\",os.R_OK)
>>> os.access("C:\Users\Chris\Dropbox\edX\CS188x\search\",os.X_OK)

So I am really not sure why I can't run this file, even though its path has been added to PYTHONPATH. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


PYTHONPATH is used by the python interpreter. It is not the same as Windows' PATH environment variable. You can't use it as a search path for passing files to the interpreter on the command line.

So, you need to specify a valid path to the file. Either by using he same command as you've been trying with the difference being your current directory is the same as the location of, or by specifying the full path to the file.


did you try running the script from its directory?

i can only guess, but maybe its some issue with the file being located inside your dropbox folder...


python "C:\Users\Chris\Dropbox\edX\CS188x\search\"


cd C:\Users\Chris\Dropbox\edX\CS188x\search\
"c:\prorgam files (x86)\python27\python"


SOLVED! So the comments were right in that I had to change the directory to the location of the file, but what was missing was that I had to edit the system environment variable PATH to include the location of python.exe, which is my case was C:\program files (x86)\python27 but for most people is just C:\python27. Thanks everyone for all your help!