I have an application with a Settings.bundle file. I added a default value to a specific field, but whenever I want to read this in the application on iOS 8.2, I get 'nil' back. However when I do this on iOS 7.1 (basically every version below iOS 8.2), I get the correct default value.
Does anyone know if there has been changed something in iOS 8.2 that is causing this and how to fix this? I've already deleted the app and built again. Maybe a small note, I build with Xcode 5. But that doesn't make any difference if I'm using Xcode 5 or Xcode 6. Tested this.
Code: How I retrieve the default value:
id settings = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[settings objectForKey:@"defaultValueUrl"];
Settings.bundle: http://i62.tinypic.com/10nrmhd.png