Got some troubles with my regex.
I got some lines like this:
SomeText#"C:\\","Shadow Copy Components:\\","E:\\",""
SomeText#"E:\\","Shadow Copy Components:\\"
SomeText#"SET SNAP_ID=serv.a.x.com_1380312019","BACKUP H:\\ USING \\\\?\\GLOBALROOT\\Device\\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy47\\ OPTIONS:ALT_PATH_PREFIX=c:\\VERITAS\\NetBackup\\temp\\_vrts_frzn_img_3200\"
SomeText#"SET SNAP_ID=serv.a.x.com_1380312019","BACKUP Y:\\Libs USING \\\\?\\GLOBALROOT\\Device\\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy47\\ OPTIONS:ALT_PATH_PREFIX=c:\\VERITAS\\NetBackup\\temp\\_vrts_frzn_img_3200\"
What i would like is to get a group named jobFileList containing for each line:
"C:\\","Shadow Copy Components:\\","E:\\",""
"E:\\","Shadow Copy Components:\\"
You can see i only want the file list, but some times its only the full text after the # mark and sometimes there is a lot of ** that i need to remove. Fact is i cant use a script for this case so i need to do this with only ONE regexp, can't just do a streplace of other stuff after the regex.
What i did is :
SomeText(#.*BACKUP (?P<jobFileList>.*?) .*)?(#(?P<jobFileList>.*))?
But seems i cant set the same GroupName :( If i replace the second jobFileList with another name its works perfectly but not what i need .
Thanks for your help,
EDIT: I can also have some lines like :
In all these cases i need to have all the text after the # mark.