Below is my code and for some reason it's not giving me the SUM. This always returns 0. Why doesn't it work?
I've used if ($totSubmits==''){
to avoid blank fields in my database.
I also tried removing AS due_fees
and using $dueAmont = $result[0]
, but no luck though.
$sql= "SELECT SUM(dueFees) AS due_fees FROM coursePayments WHERE studentId = $student";
$stmt = $c->prepare($sql);
$result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
$dueAmont = $result['due_fees'];
if ($dueAmont==""){
$dueAmont = '0';
echo $student." due amount ".$dueAmont;
Gah, use parameter binding! Also, fetchColumn()
is nice and easy for single row / single column results
$sql= "SELECT SUM(dueFees) FROM coursePayments WHERE studentId = ?";
$stmt = $c->prepare($sql);
$dueAmont = (int) $stmt->fetchColumn();
When developing, always run your PHP environment with full error disclosure. Then you won't miss easy mistakes like in your code above. In php.ini
display_errors = On
error_reporting = E_ALL
Will not bring you an associative array back. That's a numerically indexed array hence you cant find your field.
PDO::FETCH_NUM: returns an array indexed by column number as returned in your result set, starting at column 0
And that is
PDO::FETCH_ASSOC: returns an array indexed by column name as returned in your result set
That's what you need to get your alias back from.
You can remove your if clause to check whether the value is blank and set it to 0.
$dueAmont = $result['due_fees'];
if ($dueAmont==""){
$dueAmont = '0';
Can simply be
$dueAmont = intval($result['due_fees']);