I need the correct css path from a webpage, which will be displayed in my WPF application(to use it later with HTMLAgilityPack and/or Fizzler).
Something like this, to "copy css-path" or xpath(FireBug), should be the final goal.
I also found some interesting post like:
- stackoverflow
- stackoverflow
- stackoverflow
- codeproject
They all use "webBrowser.Document.GetElementFromPoint", "webBrowser.GetElementFromPoint" or "PointToClient", but I can not find it in any library and not even on msdn.microsoft(WebBrowser Class)
By the way I use the "WebBrowserControl" from visual studio 2010 toolbox to display my webpage.
Then I found some function on the client-side, but this can not be the thing they meant(javascript)...
updated:12 th june, 08:15 pm
This is actually a nice post by "dick":
private void myBrowser_LoadCompleted(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
dynamic doc = myBrowser.Document;
dynamic htmlText = doc.documentElement.InnerHtml;
string htmlstring = htmlText;
This works, but this stands in no relation to my WPF element. I get only the html but not the corresponding element. I could search for the text in that html doc, but if it appears more than once, its is not unique anymore.
updated: 13 th june, 07:15 a.m
Based on this tutorial I found a workaround.
I included this namespace in my ".xaml":
Then I added the the old winforms browser:
<WindowsFormsHost Name="wfhSample" Margin="372,12,12,205" MouseLeftButtonDown="wfhSample_MouseLeftButtonDown">
<wf:WebBrowser />
Added to my "MainWindow()" a starting value:
(wfhSample.Child as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser).Navigate("http://www.google.de/");
The actual part, to get the element:
System.Drawing.Point point = System.Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition;
...myMethod(..., (wfhSample.Child as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser), point.X, point.Y);
...myMethod(...,System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser refWebBrowser2,Int32 valScreenX, Int32 valScreenY,....){
Point refPoint = refWebBrowser2.PointToClient(new Point(valScreenX, valScreenY));
System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement refHtmlElement = refWebBrowser2.Document.GetElementFromPoint(refPoint); //System.Drawing()
return refHtmlElement.TagName;
The only problem,which is left by now is that the event handler does not fire(I added them over the properties window):
private void wfhSample_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
private void browser_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
Why can't I overwrite the event handler(not even the right button) ?
updated: 13 th june, 07:45 a.m
This could be an useful article, I will check this out.
updated: 16 th june, 07:00 a.m
Now I found a solution, where I can handle an event for a wpf-webbrowser, but not for the old winforms-browser.
//new WPF webbrowser
private void browser_LoadCompleted(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
mshtml.HTMLDocument doc;
doc = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)browser.Document;
mshtml.HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event iEvent;
iEvent = (mshtml.HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event)doc;
iEvent.onclick += new mshtml.HTMLDocumentEvents2_onclickEventHandler(NewClickEventHandler);
private bool NewClickEventHandler(mshtml.IHTMLEventObj e)
//the click event handler works, but I have no access to "GetElementFromPoint"
// it does not exist
//Point refPoint = browser.PointToClient(new Point(valScreenX, valScreenY));
//System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement refHtmlElement = browser.Document.GetElementFromPoint(refPoint);
//return refHtmlElement.TagName;
//because the new wpf control does not support for example 'GetElementFromPoint()'
// I need to get the html controls conntected to the wpf cursor
This helped me and I changed the event handling for Winforms webbrowser in my wpf application to:
//old Winforms webbrowser
private void wfhSample_ChildChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.Integration.ChildChangedEventArgs e)
//registering the event here,
//calling "OldClickEventHandler" does not work I get a "NullReferenceException" for "_docEvent"
HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event _docEvent= (HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event)(wfhSample.Child as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser).Document.DomDocument;
_docEvent.onclick += new HTMLDocumentEvents2_onclickEventHandler(OldClickEventHandler);
private bool OldClickEventHandler(mshtml.IHTMLEventObj e)
At the moment I still do not get the element from the webbrowser which I selected in my WPF-application on the one hand I have a problem with an event for the old webforms webbrowser, where I get a "NullReferenceException"(actually it should not be null from my point of view) and on the other hand for my new(wpf) webbrowser control I can not access "GetElementFromPoint()" because it does not seem to exist for the wpf webbrowser control.
updated: 17 th june, 10:00 a.m
It seems, that
(HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event)(wfhSample.Child as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser).Document.DomDocument;
which is inside "wfhSample_ChildChanged" is not ready yet, because when I put the same statement:
(HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event)(wfhSample.Child as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser).Document.DomDocument;
into "NewClickEventHandler(mshtml.IHTMLEventObj e)" it has the required data in it(,but this is the wrong event handler).
So, now I need to find the correct/proper event handler for my old wpf browser.
updated: 17 th june, 11:30 a.m
Ok, now I found a solution based on this article, I changed my code to:
private void wfhSample_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
bool complete = false;
(wfhSample.Child as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser).DocumentCompleted += delegate
if (complete)
complete = true;
// DocumentCompleted is fired before window.onload and body.onload
(wfhSample.Child as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser).Document.Window.AttachEventHandler("onload", delegate
// Defer this to make sure all possible onload event handlers got fired
// try webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("id") here
//System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("window.onload was fired, can access DOM!");
var bla = (wfhSample.Child as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser).Document.DomDocument;
HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event _docEvent = (HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event)(wfhSample.Child as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser).Document.DomDocument;
_docEvent.onclick += new HTMLDocumentEvents2_onclickEventHandler(OldClickEventHandler);
}, null);
(wfhSample.Child as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser).Navigate("http://www.example.com");
private bool OldClickEventHandler(mshtml.IHTMLEventObj e)
System.Drawing.Point point = System.Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition;
System.Drawing.Point refPoint = (wfhSample.Child as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser).PointToClient(new System.Drawing.Point(point.X, point.Y));
System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement refHtmlElement = (wfhSample.Child as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser).Document.GetElementFromPoint(refPoint);
var restult = refHtmlElement.TagName; //this is what I need for the first time,to continue
return true;
And the event handling for the old control works :)
But the "var restult = refHtmlElement.TagName;" returns a "NullReferenceException", there seems to be something wrong with the coordinates.
As soon as I have a solution I will post it or if you have an idea you can help as well:)