So I have a csv, and I have a plt file. I run gnuplot plt-file.plt
and a png is born.
But if I run ssh sameuser@samemachine 'gnuplot plt-file.plt'
I get a pngcario error.
The csv: sar.csv
time, average io writes
4/15/2014 22:28, 6.040546875
4/15/2014 22:28, 7.943100586
4/15/2014 22:29, 8.686162109
4/15/2014 22:29, 7.693891602
4/15/2014 22:30, 8.579804688
4/15/2014 22:30, 7.900537109
The plt:
print "sar"
set terminal pngcairo transparent enhanced font "arial,25" fontscale 1.0 size 1920, 1080
set key outside bottom center box title "sar" enhanced
set key maxrows 4
set key font ",25" spacing 1 samplen 2.9 width 2 height 1
set xlabel "Time (hours)" font ",25"
set ylabel "Utilization (%)" font ",25"
set output "./sar.png"
set title "sar" font ",35"
set datafile separator ","
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
set ytics font ",25"
set style line 1 lt 1 lc rgb "red" lw 4
show style line
offset = 0
starting_time = 37824
t0(x)=(offset=($0==0) ? x : offset, x - offset)
plot "./sar.csv" using (t0(timecolumn(1))/3600):2 every ::3 ls 1 t "sar" with lines
Final note: I've compiled gnuplot with the png flag. I just needed any sort of standard image format.