I'm new to web development specially with wordpress. I created a website using wordpress as cms framework. I imported a database to my wordpress dashboard, all went well but the problem was some of the content was never imported successfully and the message is this,
"...Failed to import Media “db_site.sql_.txt” and Failed to import “Contact form 1”: Invalid post type wpcf7_contact_form.."
what could be the problem with this? I appreciate any help from you. Thanks!..=)
You are missing the required WordPress plugin:
- install and activate plugin Contact Form 7
- import the theme again...
I'm a new SO user, and therefore I can't comment on the question itself, but I think I can help. Forgive me if I post an answer that is actually a comment, but I think that's my best option. I'll edit this question to become an answer once things have been clarified.
Your phrase, "I imported a database to my wordpress dashboard" doesn't exactly make sense. Where was the data initially? What sort of data was in it? What tool are you using to do the import?