I have a stored procedure In my asp.net mvc3 application using Entity Framework:
DECLARE @T1 TABLE(MinColorsId int,MAXColorsId int)
select MIN(ColorsId) as MinColorsId,MAX(ColorsId) as MAXColorsId
from DiamondInfoes
In my model I have same properties names as the procedure table result :
public class colorModel
[Display(Name = "MinColorsId")]
public float MinColorsId { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "MaxColorsId")]
public float MaxColorsId { get; set; }
In the controller I run the stored procedure :
private _ModelContainer m_db = new _ModelContainer();
var minmax = m_db.MinMax();
I want to set the colorModel
with the minmax
that contains the procedure result? (by short way, I have many properties...)
First of all, you can simplify your stored procedure to be:
MIN(ColorsId) AS MinColorsId,
MAX(ColorsId) AS MaXColorsId
FROM dbo.DiamondInfoes
There's absolutely no need nor any point in having that table variable - it only puts strain on your TempDB
Next - if you're on .NET 4.0 and using the database-first approach - you can import that stored procedure into your EDMX model from the wizard:
Next, go to the Model Browser in Visual Studio and find your newly imported stored procedure in the physical "store" section of your model. On your stored procedure, right-click and pick Add Function Import
Now a dialog box pops up which gives you the opportunity to pick what this stored procedure returns - in your case, you said you already have a type that represents that result - so in your case, you should find this type in the dropdown for Entities
- pick it and close the dialog:
You should now have a method on your ObjectContext
-derived class that represents this stored procedure, and returns an entity of your chosen type.