if-let Any to RawRepresentable

2019-02-26 07:11发布


Let's assume this:

enum MyEnum: String { case value }
let possibleEnum: Any = MyEnum.value
if let str = stringFromPossibleEnum(possibleEnum: possibleEnum)

What's my best bet of implementing stringFromPossibleEnum without knowing enum type name?

func stringFromPossibleEnum(possibleEnum: Any) -> String? {
//    how should this be implemented without knowing enum type name?

UPD: ok, it's getting better, with this I can tell if possibleEnum is an enum:

if Mirror(reflecting: possibleEnum).displayStyle == .enum { print("yes!") }

But how to tell if that's a String-based enum?

UPD: this tweet suggests that you can get rawValue as Any from Enum. You can probably then check if that rawValue is String. But how to get rawValue from Mirror?


Ok, so this is basically not doable currently out of the box, as you can't as?-cast to RawRepresentable, and Mirror does not provide rawValue for enums.

I'd say the best bet is to make own protocol, provide default implementation for String-based RawRepresentable and conform all enums manually like so:

Assuming these are the enums:

enum E1: String { case one }
enum E2: String { case two }
enum E3: String { case three }

StringRawRepresentable protocol and default implementation:

protocol StringRawRepresentable {
    var stringRawValue: String { get }

extension StringRawRepresentable 
where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue == String {
    var stringRawValue: String { return rawValue }

Conform all needed existing enums to the protocol:

extension E1: StringRawRepresentable {}
extension E2: StringRawRepresentable {}
extension E3: StringRawRepresentable {}

And now we can cast to StringRawRepresentable:

func stringFromPossibleEnum(possibleEnum: Any) -> String? {
    if let e = possibleEnum as? StringRawRepresentable { return e.stringRawValue }
    return nil

stringFromPossibleEnum(possibleEnum: E2.two as Any)


Not sure what you're really trying to achieve here, but here it is:

enum MyEnum: String {
    case A
    case B
    case C

func stringFromEnum<T: RawRepresentable>(_ value: T) -> String
    where T.RawValue == String {
    return value.rawValue
