I am trying to make a Python script that will open an LDAP connection to a server running AD, take a search entry (in this case a name), search for that entry and change that users password to a randomly generated password (as well as set the option to change password on logon) and then send them an automated secure email containing the new temporary password.
So far I have been able to connect to the server, and search for a single DN which returns. The temporary password is being generated, and an email is being sent (although the password is not hashed, and the email is not secure yet). However, I cannot find any information on where to go from here.
I have found Change windows user password with python however I see that this does not play well with AD, and the other LDAP in Python documentation I have been finding seems to be outdated from 2.x and no longer works. The documentation for ldap3 (https://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/ldap3/stable/ldap3.pdf) also doesnt seem to really mention anything for it, and exhaustive Googling has been fruitless. I am new to this kind of programming having only low level or academic knowledge previously, so this has been a bit frustrating but Python is my strongest language.
----------------EDITED CODE TO CURRENT STATUS-----------------------
#Takes input for name which will be used for search criterion
zid = input("ZID: ")
zid = str(zid).lower()
#Binds session to the server and opens a connection
server = ldap3.Server('ldap://<IP_Address>', get_info=all)
conn = ldap3.Connection(server, '%s@something.com' %zid, password = "<something>", auto_bind=True)
print("Successfully bound to server.\n")
print("Unsucessful initialization of <IP_Address>")
server = ldap3.Server('ldap://<IP_Address>', get_info=all)
conn = ldap3.Connection(server, '%s@something.com' %zid, password = "<something>", auto_bind=True)
print("Successfully bound to server.\n")
print("Unsucessful initialization of <IP_Address>")
server = ldap3.Server('ldap://<IP_Address>', get_info=all)
conn = ldap3.Connection(server, '%s@something.com', password = "<something>", auto_bind=True) %zid
print("Successfully bound to server.\n")
print("Unsucessful initialization of <IP_Address>")
#Searches and prints LDAP entries
base_dn = 'DC=<something>,DC=<something>,DC=<something>,DC=<something>,DC=com'
zid_filter = '(sAMAccountName=%s)' %zid
conn.search(base_dn, zid_filter, attributes=['mail'])
#i.e. "DN: CN=<First Last>,OU=<something>, DC= <something>
user_dn = str(conn.entries)
#i.e. "CN=<First Last>"
front = user_dn.find('C')
back = user_dn.find(',')
user_cn = user_dn[front:back]
#i.e. "<First Last>"
display_name = user_cn[3:]
#i.e. "first.last@<something>.com"
raw_email = str(conn.entries)
front = raw_email.find('mail: ')
back = raw_email.find('@<something>.com')
user_email = raw_email[front + 6:back] + '@<something>.com'
print("Could not search entries")
#Generates random 12 digit alpha-numeric password
new_password = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(12))
print("New password successfully generated")
print("New password could not be generated")
#Set and replace AD Password
conn.extend.microsoft.modify_password(user_dn, None, new_password)
print ("Active Directory password was set successfully!")
print('Error setting AD password')
Any suggestions on how to get/set the user password and hash the password for security purposes during this whole ordeal? For the email I imagine I can force it to use HTTPS and that would be sufficient, but the connection to the server passing the new_password to I would like to secure.