I have a form in Angular 2 that works with a custom ControlGroup. At the moment, when I submit my form, I pass all the data with the following line to my controller.
The problem is that this passes all values of a form, and if my forms are quite large this feels quite useless. Is there a possibility to only pass the modified (dirty?) values?
With the new changes to the Angular Forms I've slightly modified the accepted answer, so it works. Decided to share if anyone is interested. (using Angular 4+)
getDirtyValues(form: any) {
let dirtyValues = {};
.forEach(key => {
let currentControl = form.controls[key];
if (currentControl.dirty) {
if (currentControl.controls)
dirtyValues[key] = this.getDirtyValues(currentControl);
dirtyValues[key] = currentControl.value;
return dirtyValues;
Declare your form.
this.artistDetailForm= formBuilder.group({......});
Define a function to extract values on submit
// feed me controlGroups
getDirtyValues(cg) {
let dirtyValues = {}; // initialize empty object
Object.keys(cg.controls).forEach((c) => {
let currentControl = cg.find(c);
if(currentControl.controls) //check for nested controlGroups
dirtyValues[c] = getDirtyValues(currentControl); //recursion for nested controlGroups
dirtyValues[c] = currentControl.value; //simple control
return dirtyValues;
and then do this
(ngSubmit)="updateArtist(getDirtyValues( artistDetailForm ))"