I'm taking my first look at Oracle's multi-table insert (I'm fairly new to SQL overall), and I'm not quite understanding the purpose/need for the SELECT
at the end of the statement.
With a single-table INSERT
, it's my understanding that either the VALUES
clause or a subquery are used, but not both. Can someone explain the significance of the SELECT
clause at the end of this INSERT
statement? I've looked online, but I haven't found a clear answer.
WHEN prod_category='B' THEN
INTO book_sales(prod_id,cust_id,qty_sold,amt_sold)
WHEN prod_category='V' THEN
INTO video_sales(prod_id,cust_id,qty_sold,amt_sold)
WHEN prod_category='A' THEN
INTO audio_sales(prod_id,cust_id,qty_sold,amt_sold)
SELECT prod_category ,product_id ,customer_id ,sale_qty, sale_price
FROM sales_detail;