I have the below query.
select cast(dateadd(minute, datediff(minute, TimeIn, TimeOut), 0) as time(0) )
I get the results from two columns in the format of hrs-min-seconds.
I would like it in the format of min only. So 02:47:00
will read 167
For SQL Server (works for 2005 too):
select Datediff(mi,convert(datetime,'00:00:00',108), convert(datetime,'02:47:00',108))
SQL Server Query:
SELECT cast(substring('02:47:00',1,2) AS int)*60+
cast(substring('02:47:00',4,2) AS int)+
cast(substring('02:47:00',7,2) AS int)/60.0 AS minutes
MYSQL Query:
SELECT TIME_TO_SEC('02:47:00') / 60
| 167 |
declare @Time DATETIME = '01:05:00'
select ((DATEPART(HOUR, @Time)*60) + (DATEPART(MINUTE, @Time)))
Try this:
datediff(minute, 0, '02:47')
Expanding on Justin's answer. This allows for situations where hours is larger than 2 digits.
declare @time varchar(50) = '102:47:05'
SELECT cast(right(@time,2) AS int)+
cast(left(right(@time,5),2) AS int)*60+
cast(left(@time,len(@time)-6) AS int)*3600 AS seconds,
(cast(right(@time,2) AS int)+
cast(left(right(@time,5),2) AS int)*60+
cast(left(@time,len(@time)-6) AS int)*3600)/60.0 AS minutes
seconds minutes
----------- ---------------------------------------
370025 6167.083333
SELECT DATEDIFF(minute,CAST('00:00' AS TIME), CAST('02:47' AS TIME)) AS difference
Gives you:
| 167 |
$time = '02:47:00';
$time = explode(":",$time);
$total = ($a[0]*60)+$a[1];
echo 'Minutes : '.$total;<br>
echo 'Seconds : '.$a[2];