Today is 02/27/2013 which is Wensday.
I need formula which will return me date for previous Monday.which would be (02/17/2013)
I need to so I can use for file name or email subject in my vba code which sends emails.
With oMail
'Uncomment the line below to hard code a recipient
.To = ""
'Uncomment the line below to hard code a subject
.Subject = "Current Report"
.Attachments.Add WB.FullName
End With
Public Function LastMonday(pdat As Date) As Date
LastMonday = DateAdd("ww", -1, pdat - (Weekday(pdat, vbMonday) - 1))
End Function
Weekday(yourdate, vbMonday) returns a 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, etc. so
pdat - (Weekday(pdat, vbMonday) - 1)
Will give us the most recent Monday by subtracting the Weekday()-1 # of days from the passed date.
DateAdd("ww", -1, ...)
subtracts one week from that date.
Returns 2/18/2013 (which is Monday, not the 17th)
Calculate the difference between Weekday(Now()) and 2 (= weekday for monday), then add 7.
Dan's answer should cover your needs in VBA
or in Excel worksheet formula, you could do something like this:
=TEXT(DateCell- (WEEKDAY(DateCell,2)-1),"dddd mmmm dd")
so DateCell is a range containing the date that you want to find the date of the previous Monday!
so if you put 08/04/2012 in DateCell, then that formula will retrun Monday 2nd April!
(credit to and Google search!)
To make the accepted answer's function a bit more versatile, a couple of minor changes lets you specify which day of week, and how far back/forward you want it.
Public Function LastDow(pdat As Date, dow as integer, _&
optional weeksOffset = -1 as integer) As Date
LastDow = DateAdd("ww", weeksOffset, pdat - (Weekday(pdat, dow) - 1))
End Function
With this function you can get, say, the next Wednesday:
dim myDt as date
dim nextWed as date
myDt = now()
// Get next Wednesday (dow = Wednesday, weeksOffset is +1
x = LastDow(myDt, vbWednesday, 1)
Thanks again to the original solution author (Dan Meltheus).