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Is there an actual difference in the 2 different ways of attaching event handlers in C#?
I've been seeing a lot of code that looks like this:
foo.Drop += new DragEventHandler(fooHandler);
But in the past, I've always done this:
foo.Drop += fooHandler;
Is there a difference between these two syntaxes? If so, is there any advantage to doing it the long way?
The second is shorthand for the first; they will compile to indentical IL.
However, the second syntax is new to C# 2.0; C# 1 only supports the first.
They will both result in the same IL.
So, in answer to your question, no - there is no benefit of using the longer version.
No difference , since .Net 2 and you can use what is called Method Group Conversion which allow you to Register the method name directly to the event without making a delegate Object
They are the same, but in the second example, the compiler uses Method Group conversion to infer the delegate type for you. Syntactic sugar...