AutoComplete Texbox error - write to protected mem

2019-02-26 00:53发布


I have an autocompleate textbox that looks into a data base. Some times while I'm typing I received the following error.

Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

Here is the code

private void tBSearchName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                    //test length
                    if (tBSearchName.Text.Length > 3)
                        //prevent db lookups
                        if (!tBSearchName.Text.ToLower().Contains(oldName) || oldName == String.Empty)
                            //test for a name + first letter of last name
                            if (Regex.IsMatch(tBSearchName.Text, @"(\w)+\s(\w)+(\.)*"))
                                tBSearchName.AutoCompleteCustomSource = AccessDB.serachByNemberName(tBSearchName.Text);
                                tBSearchName.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
                                //prevent db lookups
                                oldName = tBSearchName.Text.ToLower();

My insight is that I should frezz typing into the application while search is done, can some suggest how to do this. Or any other insight on what is happening


It is a bug in Windows Forms's wrapper of autocomplete APIs. Windows Forms does not protect the AutoCompleteCustomSource object from being replaced while it is being enumerated by a background thread created by autocomplete.

Instead of replacing the data store, you can try replace the autocomplete object or use the IAutoCompleteDropDown interface to reset the enumerator.


You can use lock:

private void tBSearchName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    lock(this) { /* do magic */

Do note that it's bad practice to perform long tasks in the event handlers. If the search takes more then 30ms, better use a worker thread.