I am developing a plugin for nexus oss .My app creates a rest call response(to a request from server) . But when the server receives it , it throws error as follows
unexpected element (uri:"", local:"com.collabnet.teamforge.ia.types.GetConfigurationParametersResponse").
Expected elements are
I guess the reason behind this exception is that the response doesn't match with the expected because the uri ( this is just my guess , if it's wrong please correct me),that is the namespace in response is not set .
snip of the Code in my plugin is as follows
@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = {
@XmlRootElement(name = "GetConfigurationParametersResponse", namespace = "http://www.collab.net/teamforge/integratedapp")
public class GetConfigurationParametersResponse
extends BaseResponse
Why is name space not picked up while creating response ?
Even correct me if the real reason for the exception is not the empty uri. If so what is the real reason behind this exception ? Please help .