I'd like to define a task in gradle (called gen
) that runs the gradle task jar
but with a fix value for baseName
. I also want the original task jar
to be available afterwards.
My Problem is, that I can't transfer the setting for manifest.
I tired e.g.
def mainFile = 'com.so.proj.App'
def filename = 'something'
jar {
baseName filename
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': mainFile
task gen (type: Jar) {
description "Generates JAR without version number."
doFirst {
//archiveName = jar.baseName + "." + extension
archiveName = filename + ".jar"
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': mainFile
I thought I'm redefining the Jar
task by using other values for archiveName and manifest.
When running ./gradlew jar
an executable JAR file is generated.
When running ./gradlew gen
a jar file is generated. Unfortunately when trying to run the program using java -jar build/libs/something.jar
I get the error message:
java -jar build/libs/something.jar
Error: Could not find or load main class com.so.proj.App
What am I doing wrong? I simply want to run the jar task with different parameters (without configuring the jar task itself, but running an alias). And what is the code doing that I wrote (I don't get an error when running the task. But what is it doing?)