I am trying to make a word frequency counter in XSLT. I want it to use stop words. I got started with Michael Kay's book. But I have trouble getting the stop words to work.
This code will work on any source XML file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:variable name="stopwords" select="'a about an are as at be by for from how I in is it of on or that the this to was what when where who will with'"/>
<xsl:for-each-group group-by="." select="
for $w in //text()/tokenize(., '\W+')[not(.=$stopwords)] return $w">
<word word="{current-grouping-key()}" frequency="{count(current-group())}"/>
I think the not(.=$stopwords)
is where my problem is. But I'm not sure what to do about it.
Also I'll take hints on how to load the stop words from a external file.
Your $stopwords variable is now a single string; you want it to be a sequence of strings. You can do this in any of the following ways:
Change its declaration to
<xsl:variable name="stopwords"
select="('a', 'about', 'an', 'are', 'as', 'at',
'be', 'by', 'for', 'from', 'how',
'I', 'in', 'is', 'it',
'of', 'on', 'or',
'that', 'the', 'this', 'to',
'was', 'what', 'when', 'where',
'who', 'will', 'with')"/>
Change its declaration to
<xsl:variable name="stopwords"
select="tokenize('a about an are as at
be by for from how I in is it
of on or that the this to was
what when where who will with',
Read it from an external XML document named (e.g.) stoplist.xml, of the form
<p>This is a sample stop list [further description ...]</p>
and then load it, e.g. with
<xsl:variable name="stopwords"
You are comparing the current word with the entire list of all stop words, instead you should check if the current word is contained in the list of stop words:
not(contains(concat($stopwords,' '),concat(.,' '))
The concatenation of a space is needed to avoid partial matches - e.g. prevent 'abo' to match 'about'.