By "legally" I meant methods which will be accepted to App Store.
I have read this one, but I feel that it could be out-date (a question and most answers are dated back 2008)
How to share custom data between iPhone applications?
And these provides minimal info:
Sharing files Between Apps on iOS Devices
Sharing data between different apps in the same iOS device
As I understand these methods are
Completely legal
1) UIApplication openURL
2) Keychain can be used if both applications are developed by the same team
3) iCloud could be used if both application are developed by the same team
Grey area.
4) Global notification using CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter, CFNotificationCenterAddObserver, CFNotificationCenterPostNotification
5) Use TCP/IP sockets (if one of applications run in background)
6) Use Unix sockets (if one of applications run in background)
7) Use custom UIPasteBoard
Did anybody got rejected or accepted who used this?
Does anybody know any other methods?
-- Update 1--
Both apps will be running on the same device.
There is a chance that one of the apps will be running in the background (VOIP)
Apps will be developed by different teams (won't be signed with the same certificates).