First off, I'm new to java and trying to complete an assignment from school on creating a vending machine. My program is taking in 2 files as cli arguments, one for products, and the other for money.
For the life of me I cannot figure out why the code is hanging on line 42
(while (moneyTemp.hasNextLine());)
I tried to debug on eclipse using breakpoints and noticed the code never goes past this line. Putting a print statement inside the while loop, i don't get the output so i know it is not looping.
The java docs say hasNextLine can block waiting for user input, but since my source is a file, I'm not sure why this is happening. See relevant code below.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class VendingMachine
static Scanner input = new Scanner (;
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner productTempFile = new Scanner(new File(args[0]));
Scanner moneyTemp = new Scanner(new File(args[1]));
int numProducts = 0; //Number of products to be loaded to the machines
int numMoney = 0; //Number of money objects to be loaded in the machine
while (productTempFile.hasNextLine()) //This block will get the number of products
Product[] invArray = new Product[numProducts];
Scanner myFile = new Scanner(new File(args[0]));
for(int i = 0; i < numProducts; i++) //This block populates the array of products
String inputLine = myFile.nextLine();
String[] lineArray = inputLine.split(",");
invArray[i] = new Product(lineArray[0], Double.valueOf(lineArray[1]), lineArray[2], lineArray[3],
Double.valueOf(lineArray[4]), Integer.valueOf(lineArray[5]));
System.out.println("I'm here");
while (moneyTemp.hasNextLine()); //This block gets the number of different money items
Below is the second file i am supplying ie arg[1] which is formatted same like first one which works.
PaperCurrency,100 Dollar Bill,100.0,medium,paper,0 PaperCurrency,50 Dollar Bill,50.0,medium,paper,0 PaperCurrency,20 Dollar Bill,20.0,medium,paper,0 PaperCurrency,10 Dollar Bill,10.0,medium,paper,4 PaperCurrency,5 Dollar Bill,5.0,medium,paper,8 PaperCurrency,1 Dollar Bill,100.0,medium,paper,16 CoinCurrency,50 Cent Piece,0.5,large,metal,10 CoinCurrency,Quarter,0.25,medium,metal,20 CoinCurrency,Dime,0.1,small,metal,30 CoinCurrency,Nickel,0.05,small,metal,40 CoinCurrency,Penny,0.01,small,metal,50
Any help will be very appreciated. Thanks