I'm trying to clear my R workspace. Nothing I've found in any thread seems to work - and I've been googling and trying solutions for hours now :(
When I open R and type ls
, the console displays all the code from a previous session:
function (name, pos = -1L, envir = as.environment(pos), all.names = FALSE,
if (!missing(name)) {
nameValue <- try(name, silent = TRUE)
if (identical(class(nameValue), "try-error")) {
name <- substitute(name)
if (!is.character(name))
name <- deparse(name)
warning(gettextf("%s converted to character string",
sQuote(name)), domain = NA)
pos <- name
else pos <- nameValue
all.names <- .Internal(ls(envir, all.names))
if (!missing(pattern)) {
if ((ll <- length(grep("[", pattern, fixed = TRUE))) &&
ll != length(grep("]", pattern, fixed = TRUE))) {
if (pattern == "[") {
pattern <- "\\["
warning("replaced regular expression pattern '[' by '\\\\['")
else if (length(grep("[^\\\\]\\[<-", pattern))) {
pattern <- sub("\\[<-", "\\\\\\[<-", pattern)
warning("replaced '[<-' by '\\\\[<-' in regular expression pattern")
grep(pattern, all.names, value = TRUE)
else all.names
<bytecode: 0x2974f38>
<environment: namespace:base>
If I type rm(list=ls())
and then type ls
again, I get the exact same response - i.e., the code from the previous session hasn't been removed.
By the way, I'm typing ls
without the parentheses. Typing ls()
with parentheses returns character(0)
I've also tried clearing the environment via RStudio, and even deleting the ~/.Rdata file. Nothing will clear this workspace. Every time I restart R and type ls
, all the old code is still there.
I've already tried the tips in this thread, and they don't work for me.
Any idea why this might be happening? Thanks!